

Just click the Create An Account button above to get started. Once you've created an account, you'll be able to begin earning points!

Absolutely not! Sign up is 100% free, and it will never cost you anything to earn points.

You can earn points in several ways: making a purchase, sharing us on social media, referring friends. You even earn points just for creating an account!

Redeeming points is simple! Log into your account to see what reward options you have available, and click "Redeem Reward."

Glad you asked! You can earn points for dollars off future Personally She purchases. Just log into your account to view all of our exciting reward options.

You account will always show your up to date point balance. Log into your account check.

You should receive points in your account immediately after you've completed the required action to earn points.

Nope! Your points will never expire.

We currently require you to have enough points to redeem available rewards.

If you forget your password, simply follow the steps in the "Forgot my password," process.